This post is to capture the resources discussed in the Standards-Based Grading for High School Physics presentation (P154) at the Illinois Science Education Conference. Mark Rowzee and I presented our experience in adapting standards-based assessment and reporting to two different physics courses over the past three years. Our abstract is:
We will share our experience in implementing standards-based grading (a.k.a. standards based assessment and reporting) in our regular and honors physics classes over the past two years. This methodology has helped students focus on learning and understanding and not collecting points for a grade. It has helped us focus on defining meaningful standards and providing helpful feedback.
Links to Resources:
* [Honors Physics Parent Letter](
* [General Phyiscs Parent Letter](
* [Honors Physics Syllabus](
* [General Physics Syllabus](
* [Honors Physics Standards](
* [General Physics Standards](
* [Honors Physics Sample Standards Calendar](
* [all posts under the SBG category](
Hi Geoff,
Thanks for posting the slides from your presentation. I appreciate how generous SBG thought-leaders are with their advice and insights about deployment.
Given your engineering background and interests in both technology and SBG, I’m wondering if you’d be interested in beta testing Kickboard. It’s an online standards-based gradebook that teachers use to manage their students’ grades and analyze summative assessment data. Thousands of teachers are using it in the schools we partner with, but we’d like to make it available to individual teachers as a beta at no cost for at least the rest of the school year.
Let me know if you’re interested (, and I’ll set you up with an account.