Tag Archives: physics

Holometer: Transverse Jitter

Time to get serious. How does the Holometer, which is a pair of [interferometers](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/68/holometerinterferometer/) detect [holographic noise](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/)? Fortunately, I met with Craig Hogan who is the Director of the Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics and a professor at University of Chicago since I wasn’t sure.

I’m going to attempt to explain why the holographic noise is measurable with the Holometer by way of analogy. In fact, there are several analogies that are applicable (Brownian motion, diffraction limits, black hole information theory, Heisenberg uncertainty principle). However, I want to be clear that we are talking about New Physics. You can’t explain this phenomenon using classical or quantum physics; it is not an application of any of the above phenomena; they serve only as analogies. That’s why it is New Physics. I’ve heard this New Physics referred in a couple of ways, but I like Planckian Physics best.

I know that we want to get to the Holometer, but first we need to introduce the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Due to wave-particle duality, the Heisenberg uncertainty principles states that the more precisely we measure the position of a particle, the less precisely the momentum of that particle can be measured. (The uncertainty principle can also be presented in terms of energy and time, but we’ll stick with position and momentum.) While this inherent uncertainty is small, it is observable at the macroscopic level in some situations. For example, radioactive decay of a nucleus that ejects an alpha particle can only occur due to the uncertainty principle (from an energy and time perspective) via a process called tunneling. Classically, alpha decay violates conservation of energy.

Planckian Physics states that, in the same way that measuring position and momentum result in uncertainty, measuring position in perpendicular directions result in uncertainty. That is, the more precisely we measure the position of a particle in one direction, the less precisely we can measure the position of the particle in a perpendicular direction. Stated another way, precisely measuring the position of a particle in one directions results in transverse jitter in the position of the particle. This jitter is the holographic noise.

Hopefully, this explains why it is not possible to measure the holographic noise in a single dimension. For example, bouncing a photon off of a mirror and measuring when it returns cannot measure the holographic noise because this measurement only results in a transverse jitter (i.e., motion perpendicular to the motion of the photon) which would not affect the measurement.

Therefore, we need to employ an interferometer. When the position of a photon along one arm of the interferometer is precisely measured, the transverse jitter of the beam splitter results in noise in the interference measured by the photodiode.

transverse jitter of beam splitter

(diagram from Professor Craig Hogan)

The beam splitter executes a random walk of one Planck length per Planck time as the photon travels the length of the arm. This answers two of the questions from the [previous post](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/81/holometerspectralanalysis/): why are the Holometer arms 40-m long and why do we look for the holographic noise at 4 MHz? It takes a photon 267 ns to travel 80 m (40 m down and 40 m back). While 267 ns may not seem like long, it is 5 x 1036 Planck times. That means that, if the beam splitter may move a Planck length (1.6 x 10-35 m) for each Planck time, the beam splitter’s transverse jitter (due to the random walk) is on the order of 10-17 m which can be measured by an interferometer with clever spectral analysis. The holographic noise is present at all frequencies, but we are most sensitive to it at 4 MHz because that is the . and nearly constant from 0 Hz to near 3.75 MHz, where it drops off to zero (3.75 MHz is the frequency at which photos return to the beam splitter (the speed of light divided by 80 m)). (Revised Mon Jul 18 23:01:57 CDT 2011)

I haven’t yet explained why the Holometer consists of a pair of interferometers and why the theory predicts that the holographic noise of the two interferometers will be correlated if their space-time overlap and the holographic noise will not be correlated if their space-time does not overlap. Honestly, I don’t understand this aspect of the experiment yet. That’s okay because I get to meet with Professor Hogan again next week. I’m hoping to clarify my understanding by proposing several thought experiments and seeing if I can connect the resulting explanations. I think that the fact that the photons traveling down the arms are entangled is key. I proposed an experiment where two coherent photons are shot down each arm at exactly the same time and the resulting interference is measured. I would expect that the holographic noise would not be present since the photons are not entangled. However, I’m not sure if this thought experiment is possible to execute without entangling the photons in some manner. I’m going to study up on collapsing wave functions before our next meeting. If you have any questions, please comment!

This post is one in a series about The Holometer experiment and my work at Fermilab in the Summer of 2011:

* [Holometer: Holographic Noise](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/)
* [Holometer: Interferometer](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/68/holometerinterferometer/)
* [Holometer: Spectral Analysis](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/81/holometerspectralanalysis/)
* Holometer: Transverse Jitter
* [Holometer: Correlated Interferometers](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/94/holometercorrelatedinterferometers/)
* [Holometer: Computer-Based Measurements](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/111/holometercomputerbasedmeasurements/)

Holometer: Spectral Analysis

This post introduces some of the concepts that are important when analyzing the data measured from the Holometer. The [last post](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/68/holometerinterferometer/) introduced the concept of an interferometer. In the Holometer, the photodiodes measure the intensity of the laser at the dark port. As described in the previous post, if everything was perfectly aligned and nothing moved, the dark port would be completely dark. However, in reality, everything is moving a bit and the intensity of laser at the dark port varies. The photodiode produces a voltage corresponding to the intensity of the laser which is sampled by a computer-based measurement system. (I’ll write much more about the computer-based measurement system later since it is the one part of this experiment with which I have expertise.) If this voltage is plotted over time, it looks like noise. That is, there is no discernible pattern to the voltages. Here is an example (not from a photodiode, but a simulated signal):


It is very difficult to see repeating patterns in a signal when there are either multiple patterns present or there is significant random noise. In order to see these repeating patterns we travel to a parallel universe of sorts. In this parallel universe we observe the signal in the frequency domain (amplitude as a function of frequency) instead of in the time domain (amplitude as a function of time). This is done with a Fourier transform. I’m not going to focus on how to calculate Fourier transforms of signals, but I do want to describe Fourier transforms conceptually.

Let’s start with a sine wave with a frequency of 4 Hz, an amplitude of 1 V, and a phase of 0 degrees. Frequency is how many cycles of the sine wave are in every second; amplitude is the difference in volts from the equilibrium position (0 V in this case) to the maximum voltage; and phase is where the sine wave starts at time 0 s. I’m not going to worry about the phase at all. It looks like this in the time-domain (graph of amplitude in Volts vs. time in seconds):

4-Hz, 1-V sine wave in time domain

It could also be described in the frequency domain (amplitude in Vrms vs. time in seconds):

4-Hz, 1-V sine wave in frequency domain

The amplitude of the signal in the frequency domain is zero everywhere except at 4 Hz, where it is 0.7 V (Vrms value of an 1-V amplitude sine wave). (For those of you wondering, I’m not going to discuss the phase information in the frequency domain.)

What if our signal is the combination of two sine waves? Let’s add a second sine wave with a frequency of 10 Hz, an amplitude of 1.5 V, and a phase of 0 degrees. The signal still looks like a repeating pattern, but is more complicated:

two sine waves in time domain

However, the signal is easily described in the frequency domain:

two sine waves in frequency domain

The amplitude of the signal in the frequency domain is zero everywhere except at 4 Hz and 10 Hz.

The idea behind a frequency-domain representation of a signal is that **any signal can be represented as a combination of sine waves of various frequencies, amplitudes, and phases**. Here’s an example of a signal that is a combination of five different sine waves of various frequency and amplitudes:

multiple sine waves in time domain

and here are the five frequencies clearly shown in the frequency domain:

multiple sine waves in frequency domain

Good luck determining that the time-domain graph was comprised of five sine waves of frequency 4 Hz, 10 Hz, 13 Hz, 15 Hz, and 18 Hz.

Let’s go back and look at the original signal in the frequency domain:

noise in frequency domain

It is now evident that what appeared to be random noise is composed of a 60 Hz signal. The signal to noise ratio for this example was worse than 1/50. That is, the amplitude of the noise was more than 50 times greater than that of the 60 Hz signal. This is the power of analyzing signals in the frequency domain. When performing this analysis, the Fourier transform is calculated multiple times and the results are averaged together. This reduces the influence of the random noise and makes the repeating signal more apparent. There are other techniques besides averaging to improve the measurement such as windowing, but we aren’t going to worry about that for now.

There are many things that contribute to the noise measured by the photodiode in the interferometer. A truck driving by, seismic activity, vibrations due to a fan, 60 Hz AC power, and the digitizer itself are all possibilities. In addition, the holographic noise presented in [the first post](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/) in this series is also present. If the two interferometers which make up the Holometer are isolated from each other, than much of their noise will be uncorrelated, that is, not related to each other. Some sources of noise would be correlated, such as seismic activity and a truck driving near the experiment. However, these sources of noise occur at much lower frequencies that the holographic noise. If the two interferometers overlap in their space-time (I’ll explain this more later), than the holographic noise should be correlated. We can remove uncorrelated signals between two signals by calculating the cross power spectrum. As an example, suppose I have two signals:

first signal

second signal

We can filter out uncorrelated signals by calculating the cross-power spectrum for the two signals (again, just focus on the concept and not how the calculation is done). The graph of the resulting cross-power spectrum for these two signals is:

cross-power spectrum

Whoa! There is a 60 Hz correlated signal between the two signals. This signal was lost in the noise when looking at the individual signals in the frequency domain because it was so much weaker than the other components (unless you look really carefully). However, by minimizing the uncorrelated frequencies between the two signals, the 60 Hz correlated signal becomes more apparent. (The uncorrelated 80-Hz and 110-Hz signals are not completely eliminated, but they are minimized.)

The Holometer experiment uses these techniques to search for the correlated holographic noise signal between two adjacent interferometers.

I have the opportunity to meet with Craig Hogan this week and ask him some of my questions which should help me more clearly explain the ideas of the holographic principle, in general, and the Holometer experiment, in particular. I hope to have clear answers for questions such as:

* Why is the interferometer 40-m long?
* Given the incredible small scale of the Planck length, how to the two adjacent interferometers “share” the same space-time?
* What is the connection between the holographic information principle and the Planck length?
* Why is the holographic noise expected to be around 4 MHz?
* What’s up with [this](http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/07/hologram-universe/)?

What questions do you have?

This post is one in a series about The Holometer experiment and my work at Fermilab in the Summer of 2011:

* [Holometer: Holographic Noise](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/)
* [Holometer: Interferometer](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/68/holometerinterferometer/)
* Holometer: Spectral Analysis
* [Holometer: Transverse Jitter](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/83/holometertransversejitter/)
* [Holometer: Correlated Interferometers](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/94/holometercorrelatedinterferometers/)
* [Holometer: Computer-Based Measurements](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/111/holometercomputerbasedmeasurements/)

Holometer: Interferometer

This is my second post in my Holometer series. The [first one](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/) provided some background information on the Holographic Principle.

The Holometer experiment consists of a pair of 40-m-long interferometers. I don’t yet fully understand why there are two or why they are 40-m long; so, I’ll address the design of the experiment later. For now, I’ll provide some background on interferometers in general.

When discussing interferometers, I have to start with the one of the most important failed experiments: the [Michelson–Morley experiment](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson–Morley_experiment). This is especially the case since it was conducted at my alma matter, Case Western Reserve University. In his efforts to detect the ether, Michelson developed the interferometer:

(Michelson interferometer; source: [wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Interferometer.svg))

An interferometer has two perpendicular arms. Light is directed at a beam splitter (half-silvered mirror in the diagram) and is split down each arm. While the diagram refers to coherent light, and the Holometer does use a laser, coherent light is not required (and certainly not used by Michelson). The light travels the length of each arm, is reflected off mirrors at the end of each arm, and passes back through/off the beam splitter to the detector.

I’m assuming that you are familiar with the concept of [interference](http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/sound/interf.html). Interference of waves is evident when playing with slinkies, dropping a pair of pebbles in a pond, or listening to two tones close in frequency (i.e., beats). Perhaps the most famous example of interference of light is [Young’s Double Slit experiment](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment). In essence, when two waves of light meet, they interfere. If two peaks or two troughs of these waves align (i.e., are in phase), they constructively interfere and the detector measures a brighter light. If a peak aligns with a trough (i.e., out of phase), they destructively interfere and, if aligned exactly, the detector measures no light.

(constructive and destructive interference; source: [wikipedia](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Interference_of_two_waves.svg))

Michelson and Morely measured the effect of the ether on the speed of light by observing the interference patterns as their interferometer was rotated. While they didn’t know the direction of the ether, by rotating their interferometer, they were assured that at times one beam would be in the same direction as the ether while the other was perpendicular to it. If the light traveled different speeds based on its direction relative to that of the ether, the interference patterns produced by the interferometer would change as it is rotated. The interference pattern didn’t change since there was no ether and light travels at a constant speed in a given medium regardless of direction.

Given that light does travel at a constant speed, an interferometer is useful for measuring very small differences in length. If the two arms of the interferometer are exactly the same length, the two waves will constructively interfere. However, if one arm is a quarter-of-a-wavelength longer than the other, one wave will travel a total of an extra half-a-wavelength compared to the other, and the two waves will destructively interfere. Given the very small wavelength of light, this makes an interferometer a very sensitive instrument. The Holometer is designed such that one arm is a quarter-of-a-wavelength longer than the other. If this distance was exact, and nothing moved, the detector would measure no light (in fact, it is referred to it as the dark port).

However, in order for the Holometer experiment to eventually make sense, we need to look at the light in an interferometer from a different perspective: light as a particle. When a photon (i.e., particle of light) hits the beam splitter, quantum mechanics tells us that the photon travels down **both arms at the same time**. Don’t think too hard about that; just drink the kool-aid and move on. This particle perspective is key because it illustrates that, since the same photon travels down each arm and reflects back, the photon interferes with itself. This is a very important characteristic to which we will return later.

So, at this point we’ve described a very sensitive instrument – the interferometer. It can measure differences in length of an order smaller than the wavelength of light (400 nm – 750 nm). The realization that you may have at this point is that there is a huge difference in magnitude between the wavelength of light (7.5 x 10-7 m) and Planck’s length (1.6 x 10-35 m). How can the Holometer measure anything on the order of the holographic noise? We’ll tackle that next as we explore spectral analysis and correlation.

This post is one in a series about The Holometer experiment and my work at Fermilab in the Summer of 2011:

* [Holometer: Holographic Noise](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/66/holographicnoise/)
* Holometer: Interferometer
* [Holometer: Spectral Analysis](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/81/holometerspectralanalysis/)
* [Holometer: Transverse Jitter](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/83/holometertransversejitter/)
* [Holometer: Correlated Interferometers](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/94/holometercorrelatedinterferometers/)
* [Holometer: Computer-Based Measurements](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/111/holometercomputerbasedmeasurements/)

Holometer: Holographic Noise

This summer I am working at [Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory](http://fnal.gov/) as a Teacher Research Associate as part of the [TRAC program](http://ed.fnal.gov/interns/programs/trac/). I plan on writing a series of posts about my experiences and, specifically, about the experiment with which I’m involved: [the holometer](http://holometer.fnal.gov/). Before describing my specific contributions to the experiment, I think I should start with the theory that led to holometer experiment. One of my goals this summer is to be able to explain this experiment and the theory that it is testing in a way that can be understood by my students. This will take several revisions and this post is my first draft.

The theorist involved with this experiment is [Craig Hogan](http://astro.fnal.gov/people/Hogan/) and the holometer is designed to test the the holographic principle. What is the holographic principle? Some describe this theory as claiming that the reality that we perceive is actually a three-dimensional projection from the two-dimensional reality at the edge of the universe. While that sounds cool and sci-fi, I have no idea what it means.

An analogy that I think helps explain the holographic principle is that of graphics on a computer screen. When you play Angry Birds, the bird flies across the screen in an apparently smooth path:

Angry Birds

However, if you zoom in and look more closely, you’ll see that the bird cannot follow an arbitrarily smooth path since the screen is made of pixels. As the bird flies across the screen, it must move in discrete intervals horizontally and vertically. That is, its location on the screen is quantized. What appears to be smooth movement, is actually the bird jumping from one pixel to the next. The minimum distance the bird can move is the width of one pixel. A pixel’s width is sufficiently small that we don’t notice these jumps as we play the game.


How does this analogy apply to the holographic principle? Space-time is the screen; we are the Angry Birds; and the Planck length is the width of a pixel. To elaborate, as we move through space-time, our movement is not perfectly smooth but, rather, jumpy because the smallest distance we can move is the Planck length (1.6 x 10-35 m)1. Similarly to how, if we zoom in on the computer screen, we can observe the jumpiness of the Angry Bird, through an analogous magnification we should be able to observe the jumpiness, or jitter, of our movement through space-time. This jitter is the focus of Hogan’s research and is called holographic noise. The holometer experiment is designed to measure this phenomenon. How can we build an apparatus that can measure this holographic noise when the Planck length is so incredibly small? Stay tuned for the next post in this series!

Does this make any sense? Feedback is most welcome!

This post is one in a series about The Holometer experiment and my work at Fermilab in the Summer of 2011:

* Holometer: Holographic Noise
* [Holometer: Interferometer](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/68/holometerinterferometer/)
* [Holometer: Spectral Analysis](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/81/holometerspectralanalysis/)
* [Holometer: Transverse Jitter](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/83/holometertransversejitter/)
* [Holometer: Correlated Interferometers](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/94/holometercorrelatedinterferometers/)
* [Holometer: Computer-Based Measurements](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/111/holometercomputerbasedmeasurements/)

1 The [Planck length](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck_length) was derived from fundamental physical constants (speed of light, gravitational constant, and Planck constant) by Max Planck.

Nuclear Physics Project Reflections

I have a few notes to share about the outcome of the [Nuclear Physics Project](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/45/nuclearphysicsproject/).

If you are interested in seeing the final projects, the entire [nnhsphysics wiki](http://nnhsphysics.wikispaces.com/) is available. If you don’t want to read every page, I created an [index that highlights](http://nnhsphysics.wikispaces.com/Sample+Projects) several project pages that cover a variety of topics in a variety of ways.

In terms of the quality of the projects, many students were very creative with their presentation methods. I strongly encouraged and pushed students to find creative ways to present their projects. I should have spent more effort encouraging students to have strong science, technology, and society-related content. In general, the content wasn’t as thorough, complete, and as accurate as I had hoped.

Overall, I think students learned a great deal about the history of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. I forget that events that I lived through (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl) are consigned to the last pages in my students’ U.S. History text that they never get to read.

In terms of technology, I was very impressed with [Wikispaces](http://wikispaces.com/). Wikispaces is ideal for classroom projects. I was able to easily create accounts for nearly 150 students very easily even though students don’t have school e-mail addresses. It is trivial to search by student name to see their recent edits to their pages and comments that they have made. The permissions model is sufficiently flexible to allow everyone to view content, yet only members to edit and comment on it.

I was also impressed with [Scribd](http://scribd.com/). It was very reliable and makes it easy to embed documents in Wikispaces. I found the ability to embed the document, either as individual pages to scroll through or as a slideshow, particularly useful.

A couple technologies were disappointing. [TeacherTube](http://teachertube.com/) was unreliable in terms of being accessible and successfully uploading videos. The 24-or-more-hour delay for approval, while understandable, was frustrating at times. The only reason I used it at all was that it wasn’t blocked by my school’s web filters.

Speaking of web filters, it goes without saying that they made these projects more cumbersome and frustrating than I would have liked. That said, the technology staff at my school was great about unblocking sites that were obstacles to students working on their projects.

Also disappointing was the wireless performance in my classroom. All students were able to connect via wireless but would frequently have difficulties logging into Wikispaces or posting comments on Wikispaces. They were particularly frustrated when they would compose a thoughtful comment only to lose it when the submission timed out. Reflecting back on this experience, I wonder if this was due to some sort of latency issue and Internet Explorer’s relatively short timeouts. I may try using Firefox to see if that mitigates the issue.

Overall, I would definitely try something similar to this again. Next time, I would like to plan a bit more ahead and have more time for the project so I could involve educators and students from other schools. If you have any tips for me for next time, please share!


There is a long tradition at my school of students creating holograms as a final activity in physics. Everyone gets to make their own and keep it. I have heard several alumni mention that they still have their hologram. Just this week, an alumni who is also a dean remarked that he still has his hologram from 20 years ago. Sometimes the purpose of an activity is learning; sometimes, just to inspire. This is the later.

I’m not sure how we first made holograms, but at some point in the distant past, now retired teachers must have attended a holography workshop led by Dr. Jeong from Lake Forest College. A couple of summers ago, I attended a Chicago Section AAPT meeting and was surprised to learn that Dr. Jeong was leading the workshop!

For years we have been making [reflection holograms](http://www.integraf.com/a-simple_holography.htm). These usually turn out well. The disadvantage is that there isn’t much depth and, therefore, the 3-D effect isn’t as dramatic. The advantage is that reflection holograms are easily visible in white light (sun light is especially effective).

Last year, after attending Dr. Jeong’s workshop, we decided to try and also make [transmission holograms](http://www.integraf.com/a-make_transmission_hologram.htm). Dr. Jeong actually demonstrated how to make an “omnigram” which is a combination of a reflection hologram and a transmission hologram on a single slide. We tried this, but only the transmission holograms were visible. The transmission holograms were amazing. They have an incredible depth which allows larger objects (or a collection of small objects) to be captured. The disadvantage is that a laser is required to view the hologram (a green laser pointer works better than a red one).

This year, we provided students an option to make either type of hologram. They split about 50-50. As the price of laser pointers continue to fall, we may soon only make transmission holograms.

We order all of our supplies from [Integraf](http://www.integraf.com/). We use the PFG-03M holography slides, the JD-4 processing kit, and the DL-4B laser diode. The setup for transmission holograms is relatively simple. I have detailed photos of the slide holder (on the left) and laser (on the right). The objects are positioned between the slide holder and laser. In the back, is the shutter which blocks the laser light and consists of foam board covered with black felt with a base of two large binder clips.

holography setup

I built the slide holder from a 2.5″ picture frame. The picture frame is painted a flat black. Black backing material is glued to the top of the picture frame to ensure that laser light does not enter the sides of the slide. The picture frame is secured to a base which is a tea tin filled with sand and covered with black felt. The picture frame backing is slid behind the slide in the frame to secure the slide (emulsion side faces the scene).

slide holder

The diode laser is secured by a clothespin in a tea cup filled with sand. It is is positioned on a base which consists of three physics texts covered with black fabric. I added a switch and a two-pin connector to the battery box which results in a more reliable connection and easier operation.


If you are interested in making your own holograms, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to answer any questions that you may have. Dr. Jeong is very approachable and provided several tips based on questions that I posed.


I realized that it would be helpful to show some examples of these holograms. It was challenging to photograph them, but here is my best attempt for a transmission hologram:

transmission hologram

And here is a reflection hologram:

reflection hologram

Circuit Sudoku

During this semester, which mostly consists of electricity and magnetism, I’ve really started to appreciate that the content is the vehicle through which students develop problem solving, critical thinking, and long-chains of reasoning. Later I will write how electrostatics is a great start to developing these long-chains of reasoning before we really exercise that skill with circuits. While not as challenging, circuit analysis is a good application of problem solving skills that illustrates how organizing data can make it much easier to solve problems.

We’ve started calling this problem-solving approach Circuit Sodoku.

The technique has evolved over the years based on input by teachers and students. I expect that it is similar to techniques used elsewhere. Regardless, my students find it very helpful when analyzing complex circuits.

At the heart of the technique is the V = IR table which has the following elements described below and illustrated in the photo of a group’s whiteboard:
* three columns: V (voltage), I (current), and R (resistance)
* the first row represents the equivalent circuit which specifies the voltage of the source, the current through the source, and the equivalent resistance of the circuit.
* each subsequent row corresponds to a resistor in the circuit

Students follow these steps to analyze circuits:
1. solve for the equivalent resistance (redrawing the circuit after each step, if necessary)
2. calculate the current through the supply based on the supply’s voltage and equivalent resistance
3. look for resistors in series or parallel with the source and update the table with the current or voltage associated with that resistor
4. apply the loop rule and junction rule to complete blanks in the table

Whenever two of the three columns for a row are completed, students use Ohm’s Law to calculate the third value.

Here’s an example:

circuit whiteboard

Just to be clear, Circuit Sodoku is not the heart of our circuits unit. Before we start analyzing circuits in this manner, we have spent weeks developing our conceptual understanding of circuits using the [CASTLE curriculum](http://www.pasco.com/featured-products/castle/page_3.cfm). Many students find Circuit Sodoku a welcome break at the end of the unit.

Circuit Sodoku used to be the most challenging problem-solving application of my circuit unit. Now it is the easiest. I’m pleased we are focusing more on developing these essential problem solving, critical thinking, and long-chains of reasoning skills.

Circuits Lab Practicum

This year, we created a new lab practicum for the circuits unit. In addition to the traditional activities of having students draw a circuit diagram from a written description, build the circuit, and measure the voltage across and current through a specified resistor; students had to infer the circuit diagram for a collection of lightbulbs based on their observations.

This activity was inspired by an old Science Olympiad circuits event. As shown in the following photo (which is somewhat hard to discern due to the pattern of the fabric), four labeled light bulbs protrude through holes in the fabric. The fabric hides the wires connecting these light bulbs. Students turn on the power and then make observations by unscrewing and screwing in the light bulbs. Based on their observations, they draw the circuit diagram and justify their conclusion.

circuit lab practicum

Students were most engaged in this activity of the lab practicum compared to the others. I think the fact that it was a unique way for them to apply their knowledge and inference abilities made it so interesting. It also had the unexpected benefit of reinforcing the idea that physical order of the light bulbs has no effect on their brightness. That is, the first light bulb in series from the positive terminal of a battery is not the brightest because it is “first.” Several students commented that there were several circuit diagrams that they could draw that would match their observations. It was reassuring that they came to this conclusion!

Einstein Day

Last week, I got fed up and couldn’t take it anymore.

I’m fortunate that many of my students are really curious about science and ask fantastic questions.

Sometimes these questions are directly related to the topic that we are investigating, and we discuss them immediately.

Sometimes these questions are unrelated to the topic at hand but are of a limited scope and can be discussed and as a short tangent to the “plan” for the day.

Sometimes these questions are directly related to a topic that we will study in the future, and we table them until that time.

Sometimes these questions are unrelated to anything we study, are not quickly discussed, and are fantastically engaging. Often these questions are in the area of modern physics. Since we don’t study anything in my regular or honors physics courses that was discovered within the last century, these topics are not part of the curriculum. (Yes, I’m working to address this.) An answer of, “we study that in Advanced Physics” is unsatisfying since most of my students won’t take a third semester of physics. Our curriculum, especially in honors physics, is so aggressive that we really don’t have the flexibility to chase down these fantastic tangents.

So, last week, while discussing the doppler effect in the context of sound, a student asked what would happen if a car traveling at the speed of light turned on its headlights? Would the doppler effect apply in some way? Wow. The other students were immediately engaged and started proposing ideas and more questions. I couldn’t bring myself to once again say, “we study that in Advanced Physics.” Instead, I got a huge sticky note, slapped it on the wall, titled it, “Physics Questions,” and added the question. I declared that we would capture fantastic questions like this and dedicate time later in the semester to have a series of short presentations and discussions to explore them. Students can research questions in which they are interested and I’ll take a few too.

They asked when we would do this. I Googled for Einstein’s birthday. March 14th. Someone remarked, “hey, that’s pi day!” Serendipity.

Anyone care to join us?

Teaching Energy

For the last couple of years, I’ve approach teaching energy from a conservation of energy perspective, deemphasized work, and focused on energy storage modes and transfer mechanisms. I think this has been very helpful for students, at least compared to starting with work and the work-energy theorem like I used to do. They understand the analogy as I pour water from the gravitational potential energy beaker into the kinetic energy beaker as the cart rolls down ramp. Students seem to more readily appreciate the idea that energy is always conserved, and, if a system doesn’t have as much energy as it used to have, we simply need to find to where it was transferred. It’s like a mystery.

This year, I’m trying to leverage as much of the [modeling methodology](http://modeling.asu.edu/) as I possibly can which includes energy pie charts and bar charts. As usual, I started conceptually and avoid numbers. We drew energy pie charts for various scenarios. Here’s an example from the Modeling curriculum:


Students readily understood and easily created these visual models and seemed to appreciate that they could actually handle real-world aspects like friction. If an object was sliding across the floor, we would include the floor in our system so that the total energy in our system, and, therefore the size of the pie chart, would remain constant as energy is transferred from kinetic energy storage mode to the internal energy storage mode. No problems here.

We then moved to energy bar charts but continued to postpone introducing numbers in Joules calculated from equations. Students had little trouble with this visual representation. For the object sliding across the floor scenario, most groups continued to include the “surface” as part of their system such that the total energy in the system remained constant and no energy flowed out of their system. For a scenario where someone pushes a box up a ramp, some groups wanted to include the person in their system, but after a discussion of the complex energy transfers that occur within the human body, they decided to keep people out of the system and include energy flowing into the system.

We started having problems when we started calculating specific energies. Students continued to want to account for energy being transferred to the internal energy storage mode. So, for example, when asked to calculate “the average force exerted by a ball on a glove,” they would get stuck trying to calculate how much of the kinetic energy of the ball is transferred to the internal energy of the ball and how much is transferred out of the system by working. I felt like an idiot when my response was, “well, since we don’t have a model that can help us calculate how much energy is transferred to the internal energy of the ball and how much energy is transferred outside of the system, we’ll have to assume that all of the energy is transferred outside of the system.” The students looked at me with that expression of, “you have gotta to be kidding me; if that is the case, why have we been including internal energy all this time?”

Basically, we stopped including internal energy in our quantitative energy bar charts and always had energy be transferred out of the system. With the aid of this visual model, students would consistently solve relatively complicated roller coaster problems without making the typical common mistakes. I could honestly tell my classes, “those of you who drew the energy bar charts, solved this problem correctly, and those of you who didn’t bother, didn’t.” Despite this clear improvement over previous years, not having a clear rationale for why why we handled internal energy differently in the quantitative bar charts compared to the conceptual visual models was disappointing. I’m sure the students were confused by this.

Suggestions for next year?