OSMOCES 2013: Computational Modeling with VPython

If you are in my [OSMOCES 2013](http://osmoces.org/) session on Computational Modeling with VPython and want to try the models as we go, here are the three links to you need to get setup: * [VPython](http://www.vpython.org/index.html) * [my GitHub](https://github.com/gcschmit/vpython-physics) Install VPython for your system and download my vpython-physics repository from GitHub. If you referring to these […]

Computational Modeling with VPython

The second session I led at the DuPage County Science Institute was on Computational Modeling with VPython. I tried to explain what computational modeling is and how it is more than just programming. I then encouraged teachers to use computational modeling in their classroom and shared why I think it improves student learning. We used […]

AP Physics 2 Reflection

On the eve of the first day of school, I felt that I better capture my thoughts on AP Physics 2 last year. My perspective may be different than other’s (at least different than the vocal minority(?) on the AP Teacher Community). I started last year eagerly anticipating the new AP Physics 2 course. For […]

AP Physics 2 Syllabus, Units, Labs, and Pacing

I previously [shared](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/368/standards-for-ap-physics-2/) how I will be using the AP Physics 2 Big Ideas and Enduring Understandings as the standards for my flavor of standards-based assessment and reporting for AP Physics 2. Since then, I’ve been working on outlining my sequence of units, pacing, and labs. This allowed me to finish the syllabus to submit […]

Physics Capstones

This year’s AP Physics B capstones were as great as [last year’s](https://pedagoguepadawan.net/214/capstones/). Click there to read more about how I structure capstones. * Joe’s [GravitON – A Python based N-Body Gravity Simulator](https://naperville.instructure.com/eportfolios/19347). Cleanly implemented and well documented VPython implementation of the n-body problem. Can’t wait until Joe offloads process to the GPU! * Danny’s [Resistance […]

Recognizing True Professional Development

This fall, our school district adopted a new model for how professional development affects teacher salary. The new model provides various opportunities for educators to participate in professional development activates aligned to their personal career path. These activities may result in immediate compensation or “points” that can accumulate and move teachers across the traditional salary […]